133 Following

Written Among The Stars

I love to read, I love to write, and I love to talk about all things that are the written word.

Currently reading

The Last Wish : Introducing the Witcher
Andrzej Sapkowski, Danusia Stok
A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones / A Clash of Kings / A Storm of Swords / A Feast for Crows
George R.R. Martin
Progress: 139/834 pages
The Healer's Apprentice - Melanie Dickerson First, let's get the required out of the way, I won this book through the Goodreads First Reads program. But even though they gave me a free book, it wouldn't influence my review one way or the other!I really liked this book, from the first page to the last. I was a bit apprehensive at first because, since I am not a Christian, I was worried about reading something from a Christian writer. But I also recognize that the medieval time period was one of intense religious piety anyway, so I went ahead and read the book. And I was not disappointed at all. The characters were engaging, and I found that I truly cared about all of the people involved and wanted it to work out in everyone's best interest. I was completely blindsighted by the twist in the story, but in a good way. The plot moved along at a good clip, although there were a few periods that felt as though they dragged, and other periods that seemed to jump across huge expanses of time with no warning and suddenly it was several days later. That was my only complaint and I would recommend this book to anyone who asked me.