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Written Among The Stars

I love to read, I love to write, and I love to talk about all things that are the written word.

Currently reading

The Last Wish : Introducing the Witcher
Andrzej Sapkowski, Danusia Stok
A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones / A Clash of Kings / A Storm of Swords / A Feast for Crows
George R.R. Martin
Progress: 139/834 pages
Flashback - Dan Simmons When reading other reviews for this book I knew that I must finish it because I just wanted to see what all the hype was about. What is it about this book that allows normally reasonable people to dissolve into calling the author names and resolutely refusing to overlook politics of a book that ultimately is....fiction.What I found was an engaging and interesting story with good, well thought out political views. But the politics in this fictional book are just that, fiction and I do not see a reason to get worked up about that. The plot is politically motivated in the end and so it makes sense that all the characters are politicized and polarized. I was riveted by every page and found it enthralling to the last sentence. I would recommend this book to anyone who can look past their political views to enjoy a piece of fiction, because it is a very good piece of fiction.The story takes place in the not so distant future when America has fallen from grace in the wider world and 2 out of 3 people choose to spend their time indulging in an addiction to the new drug of choice, Flashback. Flashback allows one to relive memories of their choice and experience the emotion re-experience everything they loved about that moment. In a nation in which everything has been taken away, people are looking to their past to find happiness while the world falls apart around them. In the midst of this chaos, former detective Nick Bottom is summoned by a Japanese businessman who is a federal advisor to his hometown. He wants Nick to re-investigate the murder of his son, a case that Nick was originally involved in six years earlier but never solved. The offer is lucrative, but Nick Bottom holds no hope that his results will be any different this time around. But he accepts because the payday will allow him to purchase enough Flashback to never have to wake from his living dreams of his wife who died tragically a few months after the original murder case went unsolved. As Nick Bottom investigates the case from a new perspective, he can't help but wonder if he isn't involved in something that has dropped him out of his depth and put himself and those he loves in terrible danger.