133 Following

Written Among The Stars

I love to read, I love to write, and I love to talk about all things that are the written word.

Currently reading

The Last Wish : Introducing the Witcher
Andrzej Sapkowski, Danusia Stok
A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones / A Clash of Kings / A Storm of Swords / A Feast for Crows
George R.R. Martin
Progress: 139/834 pages


Velocity - Dean Koontz Most often, as much as I consider myself a fan of Dean Koontz, we have a love/hate relationship. Some of his works I absolutely cannot stand and made me want to lobotomize myself just to end the agony. Other times, like with Velocity, I cannot put the book down and am absolutely riveted! Several times I yelled out in despair that my lunch break was over and I had to stop reading, because I had just gotten to a good part! I stayed up far past my bedtime just to discover what new little tidbit of the mystery I might find. And ultimately all of my plotting and thinking and trying to solve the mystery was useless, because I had no idea and my theory was totally off base. But it was not only the mystery of finding the killer who is trying to pull an innocent Billy Wiles into his murderous game, it's also a mystery of Billy Wiles himself. Why was he chosen? What makes him tick? How did he get the way he is? And ultimately, can he save himself and those he cares about from a madman by getting into the killer's head? A wonderful read and probably among my favorite Koontz books.